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Julia Nalivaiko
Born in Ukraine, Julia had lived in England and France before moving to Australia with her parents at age 12. With an upbringing spanning both Eastern and Western Europe, she gained an innate understanding of their respective cultures and differences.
Julia looked to combine her loves of travel, culture, food, and television. The result, Back in the Soviet Bloc, is her TV series debut - where her genuine persona, her natural curiosity, and her fluency in Russian and Ukrainian encouraged people to open up to her, allowing a unique insight into their lives.

Stuart McBratney
With 30 years of experience behind the camera, Stuart McBratney's work has been seen by millions of Australians. He's made hundreds of tv commercials with clients including Honda, Nike and McDonalds, several music videos, and two feature films including the worldwide festival hit Pop-Up.
In 2018 he was awarded a PhD in Design from the University of Newcastle, and is in post-production on his third feature film, Don't Read This on a Plane.
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